The Family Medical Leave Act provides job protection to Texas workers and employees nationwide who need extended time off for medical reasons. FMLA is a federal law that all employers must comply with, although mental health leave has presented some challenges. In...
Ambitious, Experienced And Professional Employment Law Attorneys
Month: August 2022
Facts about hostile work environments in Texas
For a worker to be productive and happy in their job, they need to feel safe and comfortable in their work environment. Unfortunately, many Texas residents who work outside the home experience different forms of hostility that can make going to work feel like a...
The legal understanding of a marketplace contractor
A marketplace contractor has increased work opportunities through an online marketplace or phone app. Independent workers are able to obtain assignments freely; yet, they have fewer rights and duties that are protected in court. Employment agencies in Texas define who...
Understanding the main components of a non-compete agreement
Texas is a state that's full of opportunities. However, you might not feel like you have many opportunities if your employer just had you sign a non-compete agreement. There's a lot of confusion out there about these documents. Here's a closer look at how to...
The basics of wrongful termination
If you have been wrongfully terminated from your job in Texas, you may be wondering what to do next. The first step is to understand how wrongful termination works in Texas. What is wrongful termination? Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired for an...