Imagine dealing with pain, medical appointments and the stress of recovery after a workplace accident, only for your employer to make things worse by punishing you for filing a workers’ compensation claim. For instance, you could be fired or demoted shortly after...
Ambitious, Experienced And Professional Employment Law Attorneys
Wrongful termination and whistleblower claims
Taking swift action is crucial after wrongful termination
Losing your job is difficult, but being wrongfully terminated can be even more devastating. If you believe you were let go for unlawful reasons, taking quick action is essential to seeking justice and securing the compensation you deserve. Wrongful termination claims...
When is a termination wrongful?
Employees are hired on the basis of at-will employment in New York. This means that workers can leave at any time, with no notice being required. It also means that employers can terminate workers without notice. There are, however, some exceptions. When a...
Is your boss trying to quiet fire you?
Texas uses the rule of at-will employment, as do most states. Unless you have a contract saying differently, your employer can fire you at will. Yet that does not mean your employer can always terminate your contract. If you suspect their reason for acting is based...
Were you fired for being a whistleblower?
Whistleblowing is a common cause of workplace incidents and firings in Texas. But it is also an effective tool to achieve justice and social betterment. Knowing more about the laws and rules surrounding whistleblowing can help any afflicted whistleblowers seek help...
Were you wrongfully terminated?
Generally speaking, your employment with a Texas firm is considered to be at-will. This means that you can be fired for almost any reason while also allowing you to quit your job. Of course, even with at-will laws in place, companies are not allowed to terminate you...
When is firing a worker wrongful termination in an at-will state?
Most workers in Texas and around the country are at-will employees. This means that they can quit their jobs whenever they want to and for any reason without worrying about being sued by their employers. It also means that their employers can fire them at any time and...
Reasons for termination with cause
When a person gets terminated for cause in Texas, it means that they get dismissed for what is considered a satisfactory reason. This could include the disclosure of confidential information, fraud or misconduct. The word "cause" in this context defines the reason why...
Examining the pros and cons of becoming a whistleblower
If your Texas employer is engaged in wrongdoing, you might feel responsible for exposing what is happening. If you do this, you'll become what is known as a "whistleblower." While this may be the moral thing to do, you may face repercussions from your employer and...
How to negotiate a severance package in Texas
Many Texas residents might not think to negotiate their severance package after a termination. The rush of emotions or shock of being fired might keep people from thinking clearly, and they’ll sign whatever’s put in front of them. Many employers will voluntarily give...