Claims for unemployment benefits in Texas are generally straightforward. Typically, the only way a former employee can be denied benefits is if they voluntarily quit or are found to have intentionally engage in misconduct. Seems pretty straightforward, right? What...
Ambitious, Experienced And Professional Employment Law Attorneys
Year: 2020
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A Message From Gregg M. Rosenberg, Principal Shareholder Of Rosenberg Sprovach:
I’m about to start my 34th year in practice, the bulk of which has been spent representing individuals asserting employment related claims against their employers. To say that I have seen the law evolve during this time span is an understatement. When I began my...
Donald Calhoun v. Jack Doheny Companies, INC
In handling non-competes for many good people over the years, we have been fortunate to have had a lot of successful results along the way. We have never had one similar to what occurred this week utilizing an aggressive approach that has consistently worked well. In...