Ambitious, Experienced And Professional Employment Law Attorneys

Employers cannot retaliate in discrimination cases

Texas residents have the right to speak up for themselves when they believe that they have been the victim of employment discrimination. The employer cannot do anything to interfere with those rights. If they do, they can be sued for retaliation, which is often treated as harshly as the alleged discriminatory act.

You should not hesitate to exercise your legal rights

Employees can and should communicate with their supervisor or company management when they believe that there is discrimination. They can request accommodations, and they can even seek proof that could help them build a case for discrimination, such as salary information. The employer is legally forbidden from taking any kind of action against the employee to retaliate for this. Of course, the employer will never be dumb enough to explicitly tie one action to the other, so you will need to prove the connection.

Your protections are broad

Retaliation is viewed broadly by the courts. It can include actions that go beyond termination. The failure to promote someone or denying them a pay raise can be retaliatory behavior. In addition, giving someone an unfavorable performance evaluation could also be retaliation, especially because it impacts their continued employment. The key is to be vigilant about everything that the employer does when you have spoken up for your own legal rights. While they should be smart and not try to do anything to you, some employers either want to take a risk or get bad legal advice.

For help with discrimination and other employment law issues, you should contact an attorney. The lawyer could help you work through the situation and give you advice on how to handle things with your employer. They could help file a lawsuit on your behalf when the employer has broken the law.