Workplace harassment can make a toxic and unsafe work environment for employees. Victims of workplace harassment can suffer from physical and psychological conditions if their harassment does not stop. This can greatly affect an employee’s quality of work, safety, self-esteem and health.
While many employees have the right to report their harassers, many do not. This often happens because of a victim’s fear of being fired or ostracized or a lack of trust in the system to stop harassment.
Victims of sexual harassment should not wait to report their harassment. If harassment goes unchanged, the harasser may escalate their aggression. Here is how:
How can workplace harassment escalate?
Workplace harassment can happen in many different ways. It can often start with small comments about a person’s character or happen in subtle ways, such as an employee being passed over for a promotion or raise. However, workplace harassment can escalate, causing victims to feel unsafe at work and home. Here are a few examples:
- A harasser may begin stalking their victim. This could happen if the harasser shows up at the victim’s home or other workplaces. This could also happen if the harasser stalks their victim’s social media accounts.
- A harasser could send violent messages. These messages could come in emails, texts or letters. They could be used to scare the victim and could also contain inappropriate content, such as sexual photos or dead animals.
- The harasser may approach the victim and become physically abusive. This could lead to serious injuries and sexual assault.
Victims can take steps to stop workplace harassment. Legal guidance can help victims report workplace harassment and educate them on their compensation options.